Hyungon Moon (문현곤)

Associate Professor
Computer Systems Security Lab
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Building 106, Room 601-3
50 UNIST-gil
Eonyang-eup, Ulju, Ulsan, South Korea, 44919

CV | Lab | Google Scholar | DBLP
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I'm always looking for motivated undergraduate and graduate students. If you are interested in working with me, please send an email. You can find more details here.

Some Publications (Full List)


MetaSafe: Compiling for Protecting Smart Pointer Metadata to Ensure Safe Rust Integrity.
Martin Kayondo, Inyoung Bang, Yeongjun Kwak, Hyungon Moon, and Yunheung Paek.
USENIX Security Symposium (Security).

Efficient Use-After-Free Prevention with Opportunistic Page-Level Sweeping.
Chanyoung Park and Hyungon Moon.
Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS).

Hyperdimensional Computing as a Rescue for Efficient Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning-as-a-Service.
Jaewoo Park, Chenghao Quan, Hyungon Moon, and Jongeun Lee.
International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD).

Trust: A Compilation Framework for In-process Isolation to Protect Safe Rust against Untrusted Code.
Inyoung Bang, Martin Kayondo, Hyungon Moon, and Yunheung Paek.
USENIX Security Symposium (Security).

Ambassy: A Runtime Framework to Delegate Trusted Applications in an ARM/FPGA Hybrid System.
Dongil Hwang, Sanzhar Yeleuov, Jiwon Seo, Minu Chung, Hyungon Moon, and Yunheung Paek.
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC).

Accelerating N-bit Operations over TFHE on Commodity CPU-FPGA.
Kevin Nam, Hyunyoung Oh, Hyungon Moon, and Yunheung Paek.
International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD).

A Log-Structured Merge Tree-aware Message Authentication Scheme for Persistent Key-Value Stores.
Igjae Kim, J. Hyun Kim, Minu Chung, Hyungon Moon, and Sam H. Noh.
USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST).
Show Full List

Some Services (Full List in CV)

Program Committee:
2025 EuroSys
USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST)
2024 USENIX Security Symposium
2023 USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST)


2024SpringAdvanced Computer Architecture (CSE511)
2023Fall Principles of Programming Languages (CSE271)
SpringAdvanced Operating Systems (CSE514)
2022Fall Building Customized Computers (CSE302)
SpringSoftware Hacking and Defense (UNI204)
SpringAdvanced Computer Architecture (CSE511)
2021Fall Computer Architecture (CSE261)
Fall Principles of Programming Languages (CSE271)
SpringAdvanced Computer Architecture (CSE511)
2020Fall Advanced Computer Architecture (CSE511)
Fall Principles of Programming Languages (CSE341)
SpringComputer Security (CSE467)
2019Fall Special Topics in CSE Ⅱ(Software and Systems Security) (CSE481)
SpringData Structures (CSE221)
SpringSystem Programming (CSE251)
2018Fall Special Topics in CSE Ⅱ(Computer Systems Security) (CSE481)